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Hankook Ventus ST RH06 Tires

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Hankook Ventus ST RH06 - effortlessly over any terrain

Over hill and dale - offroad summer tires for heavy Allrader should something hermachen off road. The Hankook Ventus ST RH06 creates - and even a bit more.

Built especially for heavy and powerful cars

The Hankook Ventus ST RH06 is one of the true off-road tires. An off-road tires , which is good not only for the road, but are also built for the areas off the road, the SUV actually. It is tuned for heavy SUVs and four-wheel drive vehicles, which are operated both on the road and off the slopes. The Hankook Ventus ST RH06 is a robust tire which nothing so quickly can harm. Its construction promises a great handling, and also a lot of traction on gentle terrain. For heaviest terrain is Hankook tires not quite as suitable - most highly overweight SUVs are also not. Otherwise, however, the Ventus offers good traction on loose surfaces. On the road, the driving behavior is also good, especially the handling proves here as sovereign.

Even on wet and dry conditions good performance

The Hankook Ventus ST RH06 also brings on the road good performance, construction typically be slightly weaker when wet and aquaplaning, but having this problem to fight the most off-road tires that are actually off-road capabilities. Finding a compromise between good wet grip on the road and plenty of off-road traction is difficult to impossible because contrary to these two characteristics of the tire construction technology - it's only one or the other very well. The Hankook Ventus ST RH06 but includes a good compromise in this regard, it is neither on the road a security risk in rain or in the terrain a floppy makers.

The Hankook Ventus ST RH06 is a successful compromise between a good road tires and a real all-terrain off-roader that is built especially for heavy SUVs and SUVs.

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